AsciidoctorJ EPUB plugin

INFO: As from version 3.3 support for KindleGen is dropped as Amazon no longer has the binary available for download.

plugins {
    id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.epub' version '4.0.2'
plugins {
    id("org.asciidoctor.jvm.epub") version "4.0.2"

When applying org.asciidoctor.jvm.epub it creates a single task of type org.asciidoctor.gradle.jvm.epub.AsciidoctorEpubTask which is then configured to:

  • Output source to "${buildDir}/docs/asciidocEpub"

  • Not to copy any resources to the output directory

  • It will set also a default version for asciidoctorj-epub artifact. To override set asciidoctorj.epubVersion or asciidoctorEpub.asciidoctorj.epubVersion.

The AsciidoctorEpubTask task type has the following additional methods:


The epub formats to generate. Specify one of more strings. Anything that is supported by the Asciidoctor EPUB backend can be used. Constant EPUB3 is available for convenience. To override any previous set formats use setEbookFormats. To add to the existing list use eBookFormats.